How to Verify Identity on Google AdSense to Receive Payments

How to Verify Identity on Google AdSense to Receive Payments

Now becoming an increasingly heavy Google Adsense publisher. Some time ago Google Adsense implemented the latest policy. In the new regulation, we are required to verify identity on Google AdSense to receive payments by sending pictures of official identification with photos and still valid. The name on the ID must be the same as the one shown on the payment profile.

What identities are accepted?

Identifiers for the purposes of Google Adsense identity verification received for publishers in Indonesia are Passports, KTP, and SIM.

As for the conditions so that documents can be accepted by Google Adsense, namely:

  • Send valid identification.
  • Document images can be read clearly, not blurred. Try not to reflect or reflect light in the image.
  • Documents that are incomplete or partially closed, or photos that are dark or blurred, will not be accepted.
  • Don't upload documents or photos other than your ID; if not, your Google Adsense account can be suspended.
  • To prevent abuse, Adsense limits the amount of verification. So, Google Adsense identity verification efforts can only be done a few times (3 times).

What happens if I don't verify my identity?

Your payment will be suspended, aka you can't receive payments and Google AdSense ads will no longer appear on your blog or on your YouTube channel.

Based on some experience of publishers who failed to verify their identity, Adsense will refuse verification if your ID has expired. Examples of IDs for the 05/09/2018 validity period will not be accepted/rejected. So the solution is that you have to extend the validity period of your ID.

In addition, the Adsense will also refuse if the photo, address or name in the ID is no longer clearly visible, blurred or partially erased. For example, you want to verify using one of the valid IDs, but the photo in the ID is not clearly visible, it is likely to be rejected.

In addition to the two cases above, there is another cause of verification being rejected by Adsense. What is that? The name and address listed on the payment profile are different from the name and address on the ID. If both are different then get ready to be rejected. Maybe Adsense considers your account has been hijacked by someone else without your knowledge. So before sending a document, first make sure the name in the ID is the same as in the account.

Addition: One ID can only be used to verify one Google Adsense account. If you try to verify another AdSense account using the same ID, verification will not work.

How do I verify Google AdSense identity?

Prepare an ID that matches the conditions requested by Google AdSense.

Then follow the steps as in the following video:

If your verification process is successful, then you will be sent an email regarding the success of the verification process.

So little experience about verification of Google Adsense identity in order to receive payments.

Hopefully, it can be useful, good luck. Don't forget to share with other friends.

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